Thursday, July 05, 2007

You've Got Questions...

I realized that my last post would lead to some questions about our pending arrival. Each and every day, I am forced to answer questions about the baby from perfect strangers. After living in DC for a number of years, I have a habit of ignoring people talking to me that I do not know. Here in SE CT, you can't really get away with that kind of thing, especially when you are 10 months pregnant. So here is my standard list of answers I have at the ready in the grocery store line:

Perfect Stranger: "Oh, when are you due?"

Me: "At the end of the month."

P.S.: "Wow! You don't look like you that pregnant."

Me: 'fake smile'

P.S.: "Do you know what you are having?"

Me: "A little girl."

P.S.: "Really, I think you look like you are having a boy."

Me: "Yes, well, modern medicine begs to differ."

P.S.: "Do you have a name picked out?"

Me: "No, not yet. We are thinking it would be better to tell the baby what her name is before announcing it to random strangers." (Note: this is what I actually want to say, but don't.)

So there's the basic info. I will post pictures of the new nursery soon!

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