Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Fling

The sweetpea extended family got a great addition in February, a boy! So we'll have to think of a manly little nickname for him. But in the meantime, the girls were so glad to finally meet him after a series of winter colds kept them home for a few weeks. He is, as CPea says, "So cute!" Here are the girls and the Uncle with him in San Diego. CPea had her ballet recital for the winter session. She really has learned so much over the year, it was such change from her fall recital.

LilPea embarked on the very frusterating "I can do it myself" phase of toddlering. She is remarkably capable of doing quite a bit, like gettting childproof caps off, and serving herself pirate booty by the bag.

With the arrival of the new cousin came Grandma and Grandpa. The girls had such a great time with them. CPea in particular loved having a new audience and trapped them into many 'projects.'

LilPea was happy to take Grandpa to her favorite burger spot, In N Out!

1 comment:

christine said...

I LOVE In n Out! I even bought a t-shirt. :)