Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The New Old Testament

CPea's preschool is attached to a church and part of the curriculum is religion. Now, believe it or not, I attended an Episcopal school for seven years of my life and went to chapel every morning. I also taught CCD while in college. So I like to think I know a thing or two about religious education and children.

Not so, evidently. They moved past coloring Joseph's coat and singing "This little light of mine." The following are just a few of the questions and comments that our four year old comes home with. Religion is no joke, but we just can't help but laugh.

Standing on the couch talking to LilPea on the floor. "I am God and you, baby Moses, will obey me!"

"How many minutes did God put Adam and Eve in time out for?

"How did Jesus call the disciples? Did he have a cell phone?"

"Well, when Jesus goes from dark white to bright white, that's called transfiguration. Didn't you know that?"

1 comment:

the mama seal said...

Shmoly. She must have you guys rolling on the floor, laughing your guts out!