Tuesday, July 29, 2008


For anyone considering moving across the country two days before their child's first birthday-I'd advise against it. There are a host of reasons for this caution, not the least of which being that it is difficult to bake a cake when you do not know how to use your own oven. That just precedes the realization that you don't know where to buy toys, find the baby's pants, much less make friends to invite to a celebration. You see where I am going with this. Luckily, we pulled together a little celebration for LilPea out here in sunny Huntington Beach. Rightfully so, LilPea was a little skeptical about the party. And the kayak in the middle of the patio.
But she warmed up when she heard there would be cake. I have never seen a baby attack a baked good like this little girl.

Something about an apple not falling far from the tree comes to mind with this photo.
LilPea's ship has finally come in, her very own toy! A birthday gift from her sister who wanted to give her a baby doll. So she would stop playing with CPea's dolls.

We've promised our sweet baby that next year will be big. Bring on the bouncy!

Oh and for those kind souls that have asked, we have a phone number and address. Unfortunately I cannot remember either one so I'll do my best to get it out to all soon.


the mama seal said...

What happened to the plan of coing to the local Baskin Robbins and calling it a party? That totally would have worked. Happy B-day LilPea.

Wendy said...

Please pass on my best wishes to the birthday girl! Sorry to have missed you in LA. Maybe next summer?

clbensik said...

Tell LilPea Happy B-day, and we sure miss her.