Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What Not to Wear

Just the other day, CPea started dressing herself. Head to toe. Below you will find two variations of her latest ensemble.

"Mom, this outfit is so, so stylish!"

"This is my lobster and tutu outfit. It looks great!"
I'm a big believer in letting kids experiment with their own style and abilities, so I have no problem with CPea looking like the best crustacean ballerina this side of the Mississippi.
But what would Stacy and Clinton say?


christine said...

Adorable and absolutely hilarious. I love the look on CPea's face in that last shot. I think Stacy would say, "Rock on, sister!" and Clinton would say, "NOW she's listening to our advice."

the mama seal said...

Stacey and Clinton would have a lot of problems with these outfits; but I think Tim Gunn would call it fierce and fashion forward. So you're all set.

Katie said...

Considering CPea's age, I'm sure she would have Stacey & Clinton's full support. Now, if any of us were to attempt the lobster tu-tu...well...it would be plain scary and most likely indecent.

Katie said...

Considering CPea's age, I'm sure she would have Stacey & Clinton's full support. Now, if any of us were to attempt the lobster tu-tu...well...it would be plain scary and most likely indecent.