Monday, February 18, 2008

Any Day That Ends in 'Y'

There seems to trend in blogs to add in some kind of recipe or craft on a certain day of the week. I've got a great collection of talented friends who invent granola bars, make pies with cheese, fashion santa cookies out of hearts, you name it-they could probably glue gun it together.

I was thinking that perhaps I would add a 'drink of the week' to this blog. But as the mother of two, I fear the recipe would not change from week to week. Find the biggest glass you can, fill with wine, enjoy.

While I can't really provide you with the best method for how to make a potholder out of old socks. What I can do, is share some of my most infamous mistakes. This weekend's disaster:

Spaghetti Squash

In the interest of making healthy food for my family, I jumped at the chance to substitute high carb pasta for squash. Right, don't do it. Despite the fun way it looks like spaghetti, I assure you, it is no kind of substitute. CPea said it best, "What is that weird smell, dinner?"

And, in case you are curious, I tried few different recipes and they were all uniquely horrid.

So this week's tip:
Don't serve spaghetti squash on any day that ends in 'y.'

1 comment:

the mama seal said...

I think, perhaps, you are the funniest person I know. It's true.