Sunday, June 08, 2008

Think Pink

CPea and I ran the Race for the Cure in Hartford, CT on Saturday. It was a good time for both of us. They had a 5K for adults and then a kids' fun run so we both got to participate. Scott and LilPea cheered us on!
CPea really loved all the merchandise from the vendors. Especially her pink cape.
This is CPea in the middle of her race. You'll note she wore her cape and bandana-that's my girl!
I'm happy to report with both ran our races with respectable times. Clearly CPea won the award for style. But we were both excited to participate in such a great event for a wonderful cause.

1 comment:

the mama seal said...

You already know how great I think you are; but, really, you rock (and obvs, so does CPea).