Wednesday, November 07, 2007

All Aboard! Trains and Training

We spent last Sunday at Day Out with Thomas at the Essex Steam Train Station. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time wallowing in the blatant commericalism that is this little blue train phenom. Luckily, not a lead painted train in sight.

CPea was especially enthralled with everything Thomas, riding the train..

LPea was pleased to become a train conductor, now she wants to drive our cars!

Love is, an inflatable Percy

Standing in front of the cultural icon that is Thomas

CPea also rode in her first ride all by herself! And had her face painted!

And we went on the merry-go-round, CPea did not want to ride on a horse

A blissful day for a three year old.

And, for those interested parties, I am happy to report that CPea is officially potty trained! This is a significant milestone in parenting and a lovely relief from being that woman buying two sizes of diapers. It is satisfaction at its best.


Katie said...

CPea looks like she had the best time ever! Make sure to remind her of this when she is 13.

the mama seal said...

Was the pt accomplished this weekend! Wow, that was a big weekend!! Go CPea!

christine said...

ooh, i am jealous! i would love to stop buying two sizes of diapers, but mo is just too stubborn for potty training. and he can't go to preschool until he's fully trained. grrr. daddy and mo did the thomas thing last year and mo LOVED it! we have so many thomas engines - i'm afraid to tally up the receipts and see how much money we've spent so far on this phenom.

Amy said...

Caroline sure is getting to be a big girl! Congrats on the "train"ing... hehehe