LPea will be the first to tell you, being a baby is not always a cakewalk. Our household is a little topsy-turvey these days. I returned to work this week, which has gone well considering that sleep is not always part of my day or night. The Academy has a child development center on campus that CPea has gone to for the past few years, its wonderful. Unfortunately, they still do not have space for my little baby, so she is going to be with a babysitter three days a week and the other two days I will work from home.
LPea has mixed feelings about this. As a general rule, she prefers that I not work on the computer while I am at home. Instead, we like to bounce constantly and take long drives to nowhere. Scott calls the above outfit her baby inmate uniform. He's funny, that guy.
CPea is doing her best to help her little sister stay comfortable. This is her testing out the Bumbo seat. It looks like its going to be a big help-once LPea can hold her head up.
Meanwhile, we are in the midst of CPea's third birthday celebration. The big day is actually Friday but the festivities have already begun. I will get photos up soon.